Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Progress on the latest Cross Stitch pattern!

It occurs to me that some explanation is necessary when I show cross stitch patterns, French knot paintings, etc.

I choose certain paintings to recreate as cross stitch charts. To make a cross stitch chart I must first have the pattern, which I create with a computer program (and lots of tweaking). I hire a "stitcher" to stitch the pattern for me because you need to check for mistakes in the chart. I also need the piece stitched so I have a photograph of the pattern stitched to put on the front of the chart. (Have I completely confused you yet??). Once all of these steps are done, I can go to the printer and have the final chart printed, which I sell to people to stitch themselves! I also sell kits which are the charts and all of the supplies necessary to finish the pattern- chart, needles, beads, linen, and floss.

So, with all of that information- here is a picture of a piece being stitched by a wonder woman of a stitcher (thank you Marilyn!)

This piece is a New England clapboard church which i first photographed, then painted, and now am making into a cross stitch pattern!

My other love is the French knot work I have been posting about. The French knots I do without a chart- I simply look at the painting as I stitch. However, I am working on adding instructions to the cross stitch charts on how you can use the cross stitch chart to make a French knotted painting as well!

More to come......


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