Sunday, June 27, 2010

Red Baron Scallions

For the last few years, we have been members in a farm share. Every week we get a big box of fresh veggies and fruits. At this time of year- early in summer- most of the produce is green, except for these fabulous red baron scallions! Harder to paint than I had anticipated, but worth the effort.

8x8" oil on canvas

100.00 SOLD

Friday, June 25, 2010

New York Flag

This is a study of a picture I took in NYC. I am working to ward a larger painting, and am enjoying the process of studies along the way.

The flag was not something I noticed until I was well into the painting, but was glad it snuck in!

9x12" oil on canvas 125.00

Saturday, June 19, 2010

On holiday!

I will be in NYC for a few days so I will not be posting. I hope to come back with lots of new material for future paintings!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lazy tree

This tree was at a camping site that my brother and his family went to. I had more trouble with the desert landscape than I had anticipated. Interesting change from the lush green landscape of New England.

8x10" oil on canvas


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Purple Lupines

My children attend a camp in Vermont called Farm and Wilderness, and we go for family work weekends on a regular basis. The camp was started in the Quaker tradition, and one of the rituals that they still practice at camp is silent meeting. We circle up and sit quietly for about 45 minutes. The benches that form the circle are in a clearing in the woods and in the middle are wild flowers. This is a painting I did from one of the pictures I took after silent meeting recently.

8x8" oil on canvas


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Italian Street Scene

A few years ago, my family and I went on a trip to Tuscany, and we took many pictures. This painting is from a photograph that we took on that trip. I love the wires, laundry, patchwork of bricks and cement, etc. that give this scene so much character. I have struggled a bit with the perspective. The windows have to be painted at the correct angles for the scene to be believable in translation.
Also, typically, I am very attached to 6x6, and 8x10", but I decided to try going larger for this one painting- fun to go big, but I love smaller works for their speed and ability to fill the canvas with color.

18x24" oil on canvas


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fallen branch

As I mentioned before, we had a very destructive storm whip through our community this week, and the aftermath is still strewn all over the place. I found this branch with the seed pod still holding on during a walk this morning.

6x6" oil on gessoed panel


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beech Tree

In Belmont, we have several huge, ancient Beech trees. They have carving in their bark that dates back to the 1950's. When you carve into the bark, it scars it permanently. They are dramatic and imposing. This is a view looking up into it from the sidewalk.

8x8", oil on birch panel

For purchase, please contact me directly. This piece is for sale through the Belmont Gallery of Art for 225.00 framed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Steps in the woods

This is another painting taken from a photograph of a scene in France. I loved the sense of the unknown at the end of the path. The rendering of the steps is exactly like they look in real life- they are clearly old, well worn, and have a feeling of becoming one with the woods they are located in.

Oil on canvas 8x10"

125.00 SOLD

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Looking Up

Here in Belmont, we had a bizarre weather anomaly called a micro burst. This phenomenon is a combination of a hurricane and a tornado, and it literally lifted over 40 trees up (100 yr. old trees) and laid them on the ground (or, in many cases, on houses). It was limited to only several blocks of the town, but did tremendous damage. We are looking at the world through different light in many places now.
The micro burst has drawn a lot of attention to our trees, and I have found myself looking up into them a lot.
This painting is from that perspective.

oil on canvas, 8x10"

125.00 SOLD

Three paintings

Three paintings I previously posted that struck me as a wonderful set. I sometimes move my paintings around to see if they pair up well. This trio was perfect together, so I thought I would share it.

300.00 for the set

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Vine Tomato Trio

These were too great to miss painting! Fun to paint- great color! I am starting another landscape, but left it to capture these tomatoes first. Again, though, I am thankful for the stem to distinguish them as tomatoes and not apples.

6x6" oil on gessoed board

100.00 SOLD

Sunday, June 6, 2010

White asparagus and a vine tomato

The plan with this still life was to paint the white asparagus. The tomato was an afterthought. As you can see, however, the tomato took over! I was thankful for the vine attached to the tomato, as tomatoes are hard to distingush from apples!

6x6" oil on gessoed panel

100.00 SOLD

Friday, June 4, 2010

A walk in the Park

Wonderful friends of mine recently spent time in Paris and brought back photographs for me to use for paintings! This is a woman walking her dog in Paris.
Oil on gessoed panel- 8x8"

100.00 SOLD

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cow resting in the shade

Again, at Farm and Wilderness- the cows are so sweet. I really wanted one painting with one of them in it! It can be hard to get variation when painting a scene in Vermont because everything is GREEN! I used to try really hard to paint scenes with big sky areas, but at F+W, we are in a valley, so, I am embracing green!

oil on gessoed board, 8x8"


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Red truck

This is a scene at Farm and Wilderness. They planted a row of pear trees and I photographed them from one end to paint. I didn't see the red truck until I got home and pulled the image up on my computer!

oil on gessoed panel, 8x8"


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 Pear Watercolors

These are three watercolors of red pears. Again, I was thinking of the subject matter as people rather than objects. They interact with intimacy, softness.

I could imagine them hung as a set or individually.

watercolor on arches

75.00 each